[Cucumber] [Ruby] is there possibility to run in parallel ParameterType regex and pure step regex?
2018-06-01 13:43:09 UTC
Hi guys!

So, I have, i.e. next two steps:
And('Custom ParameterType {pt_test}') do |pt_test|


And(/^Another custom ParameterType (.+)$/) do |pt_test|


and next ParameterType:
name: 'pt_test',
regexp: /.+/,
type: String,
transformer: -> (str) { require 'pry'; binding.pry; str }

The steps above uses the same regex, so can I somehow split this steps, so
first can be wrapped by ParameterType and second not?

Thank you for help,
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aslak hellesoy
2018-06-01 14:12:36 UTC
See answers inline
Post by s***@gmail.com
Hi guys!
And('Custom ParameterType {pt_test}') do |pt_test|
And(/^Another custom ParameterType (.+)$/) do |pt_test|
name: 'pt_test',
regexp: /.+/,
type: String,
transformer: -> (str) { require 'pry'; binding.pry; str }
The steps above uses the same regex, so can I somehow split this steps, so
first can be wrapped by ParameterType and second not?
When you define a parameter type, that parameter type's regexp will be used
in all matches, whether they are from Cucumber Expressions (as your first
stepdef) or a Regular Expression (as your second one).

If you want regexp matches to use a *different* parameter type, you can
define another parameter type with the same regexp, and pass in the option
prefer_for_regexp_match: true. (The value defaults to false if you don't
specify it).

If you don't plan to use this parameter type from a Cucumber Expression,
just give it an arbitrary name. (A future release might allow you to omit
the name altogether).

Hope this helps,
Post by s***@gmail.com
Thank you for help,
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2018-06-01 14:25:36 UTC
Yes, this works, thanks for your help!

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